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Maria 0471's Web Page

German Shepherd Dog (short coat)  : :  Female  : :  Adult

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About Maria 0471

  • Status: Available for Adoption
  • Adoption Fee: 275
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: D240027
  • General Color: Sable
  • Current Age: 6 Years 3 Months (best estimate)

[6/20/24] Maria went to the vet yesterday and was a little nervous but was great with both the vet tech and the vet. Her skin issues are better, but haven't quite cleared up yet so she'll be on an antibiotic a while longer. The vet also gave me a mousse to rub into her skin. I'll start that today.

Her spay is scheduled for July 2. At that time, the vet will also repair what appears to be an umbilical hernia. Big doin's coming up for this sweet girl.

She'd also gained 4-5 lbs. This is great and the vet was okay about the food amount and the frequency of the feedings (3 times/day).

Today, I started a new "thing" with her. She knows "sit" and I decided to ask her to sit before I open a door. We've been through two doors so far and after a few seconds she managed it both times.

She's coming along nicely. And she's just got the best smile. :) 

[6/18/2024]  I've had Maria for about 6.5 weeks and am getting to know her.
She'll go to the vet tomorrow for a recheck. She seems to have gained a little weight. Her body is looking softer and her face is filling in. I'm now wondering how long it will take for her to catch up to those wonderful ears of hers.

Right now, I'm thinking no small children and no small animals. She's has a small frame, but is very strong and very much like a big puppy. She bumps and rubs up against me and could easily knock a small child down. She's chased both bunnies and squirrels in the yard. I don't know about cats, but I'm guessing she would be VERY interested.

I'm also thinking that an active family would be great for her. She's so delighted and excited with the world now. She just bounces with her energy. Once she learns to relax on leash, she will do great on walks (I'm working on this).

She's very smart and catches on fairly quickly. She now "sits" (without being asked) for her meal AND "waits" for me to tell her "okay." This means she's not diving for her dish anymore. We're also working on "wait." Like with the meals, I've started putting a treat on the floor and asking her to "wait" until I say "okay."

Stay tuned for more updates on this special girl.

More about Maria 0471

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Maria 0471 Maria 0471