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Rainbow Bridge

Salt 0026
Salt came into FLR with serious medical issues with his feet. His FLR foster parent (Rachel Johnson) treated his feet daily under the advice of a vet. For a while, his feet improved and we were so hopeful. Unfortunately the condition worsened significantly in spite of treatment and we made the difficult decision to euthanize our sweet boy. Salt was definitely well loved. He enjoyed being with his FLR foster parent and getting little treats. Thank you, Salt, for being such an important part of our FLR family.

Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow was a beautiful, male guinea pig. He came to us suddenly with a protruding eye. We immediately took action and worked with the vet to determine that Jack's eye issue was due to either a skull fracture or a tumor. With the gentle, yet confident guidance of multiple veterinarians, we made the very difficult decision to humanely euthanize Jack. Jack was loved by his owner and family members, and he was loved by the FLR Board of Directors as they tried to help him.

Oreo, a black and white rabbit, was one of FLR's first Animal Ambassadors. We lost her suddenly in May 2019. She participated in our educational programs as well as our events at various locations. She was so loved by her family, especially the children.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga, an African Fire Skink, was one of FLR's Animal Ambassadors. We lost her in March 2019, and miss her terribly. She was such an interactive skink and related well to her care-givers.